Orlando Distracted Driving Accident Attorney
What Is Distracted Driving?
on the road. A driver may be distracted in several ways that can lead to an auto accident. Common driver distractions can be labeled with three different categories.
- Cognitive
- Visual
- Manual
Cognitive driver distractions are anything that takes your mind off the road. There is a dangerous risk of a car accident if your mind is not on driving even though your eyes are on the road. A few cognitive distractions include:
- Thinking about work
- Listening to a favorite song
- Being engaged in a conversation
- Hygiene maintenance such as shaving or brushing teeth
Visual driver distractions are anything that takes your eyes off the road. Shifting your visual attention from the road for a split second may cause you to miss a serious event that may lead to an accident. Common visual distractions are:
- Reading
- Looking at a map
- Looking at a car accident
- Watching portable DVD players
- Viewing the scenery
Manual driver distractions are anything that takes your hands off the steering wheel. It is difficult to properly control a vehicle with only one hand and impossible to control the vehicle with both hands absent from the wheel. Several manual driver distractions are:
- Eating
- Adjusting the radio
- Talking on a cell phone without a hands free set
- Picking up a dropped item
- Taking off a coat
Driver distractions may occur inside or outside the vehicle. Your actions as well as the actions of anyone inside or outside your vehicle may cause you to be distracted. A fellow passenger may take your attention from the road by speaking to you or by trying to show you something. Someone outside the car may honk their horn, yell, or run into the street.
Other outside distractions may be:
- Construction work
- Detours
- Car accidents and emergency vehicles
- Stop-and-go traffic
- Pedestrians
It does not matter what type of distraction causes the accident. A car accident may cause personal injury to someone you love or someone in another vehicle. It is very important to know what may distract a driver and take the necessary steps to avoid this distraction.
Texting and Car Accidents
Modern technology is wonderful but using a phone while driving can quickly turn deadly. The dangers of texting while driving have been well documented in every state. Unfortunately, the number of auto accidents resulting from distracted drivers is alarmingly high. Distracted drivers are four times more likely to cause an accident and are responsible for the majority of auto accidents on America’s roadways.
Too many vehicles traveling the roads have been turned into mobile offices, entertainment venues and chat rooms by irresponsible and careless drivers. The result is increasing numbers of life-altering injuries and devastating fatalities. These numbers are comparative to those resulting from alcohol related accidents.
Most human beings are capable of some level of multi-tasking. Problems arise when individuals attempt to multi-task beyond their capability. The human brain is limited as to how much it is capable of processing at any given moment. Distractions such as texting take concentration away from the road and diminish the brain’s ability to process a sudden and unexpected incident, resulting in an accident that likely could have been prevented.
The Brain’s Reaction Time and Car Accidents
Some of the main causes of delayed brain reaction can lead to:
- DUI accidents
- Drug-related auto accidents
- Rear-end car accidents
To allow your brain time to react and avoid factors contributing to a car accident, you should:
- Maintain a safe following distance
- Eliminate distractions
- Drive only while alert and not fatigued or intoxicated
Your brain reacts when you sense things on the road. Most often you see these things, such as a pedestrian, brake lights or an oncoming vehicle. You may also hear things causing your brain to react, such as horns or sirens. When you see, hear or otherwise sense something requiring your attention, your brain registers the information and signals your body to respond. You may apply the brakes or swerve.
Your brain cannot multitask. At best, it can switch between tasks rapidly, which is why texting and car accidents sometimes go hand-in-hand. When you try to drive and perform another task at the same time, you are limiting your brain and body’s ability to react. Maintained focus on the road is impeded by:
- Talking on a cell phone
- Texting
- Talking into a hands-free device
- Eating
- Brushing your hair, applying make-up and other grooming
Verdicts & Settlements
Over $120 Million Recovered For Clients-
Failure to diagnose and treat respiratory distress after gastric bypass surgery.
Rear end collision leads to neck surgery.
Tractor trailer roll onto automobile causes traumatic brain injury.