
Electronic Devices and Car Accidents

At any given moment during daylight hours in the US, there are about 660,000 people either using cell phones or otherwise using an electronic device while driving, one of the common causes of car accidents. That statistic comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s April 2013 issue of Safety 1n Num3ers.

According to the report:

  • 1 in 2 drivers answer calls
  • 1 in 4 drivers make calls
  • 3 in 5 young drivers answer calls
  • 1 in 3 young drivers make calls

With about 5 percent of drivers using an electronic device at any moment in the day while driving, serious safety issues arise. Texting while driving distracts a driver manually, visually and cognitively by taking his or her hands off the wheel, and eyes and mind off the road.

According to Safety 1n Num3ers, most drivers think that distracted driving is risky, but only when other people do it. Many drivers don’t seem to recognize how common driver distractions interfere with their own ability to drive.

When drivers choose to make a call, text or use an electronic device, a serious car accident can result.

To schedule a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer in Orlando, Florida, please contact the Law Offices of Michael Barszcz, M.D., J.D.